Pregnancy Massage, Vancouver - Pre-Natal Care is more than luxurious pampering!

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Massage during pregnancy will reduce stress, promotes deep relaxation and enhances emotional and physical well being. Trust the birth process, enjoy the changing pregnant physique, cultivate inner awareness which is necessary during labor.

Compassionate touch during the childbearing year is an essential and vital part of holistic maternity care. Cocoon Wellness Vancouver is proud to offer mobile services of experienced pregnancy massage therapists.

"In-home Pregnancy Massage and pre-natal care was extremely effective in managing my back pain. It was a wonderful treat not having to drive downtown and be able to continue relaxing at home. I truly believe that you have to reduce stress and take care of yourself in order to have a healthy pregnancy." ~Julia Wang

Intuitively women have known that massage and touch are valuable assets during pregnancy and birth. Contemporary scientific research now confirms this ancient wisdom. Tiffany Fields, M.D., at the Touch Research Institute in Miami, FL, has collected extensive data on the profound healing effects of touch. The Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology published a study by Fields in 1999 demonstrating that regular massage during pregnancy is highly beneficial.  Give a Gift of Love Today!

Why new moms are getting massages at home?

  • Don't have to drive or park - save travel time - no stress
  • Relax end enjoy the comfort of your own home
  • Purchase affordable wellness packages and save money
  • Share your wellness plan with friends and family members

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The benefits of Pregnancy Massage:

  • Reduces stress on weight-bearing joints such as ankles, pelvis, lower back
  • Provides relief from muscle cramps, spasms and pain, especially in the calf, legs
  • Lessens sciatic pain
  • Improves the blood and lymph circulation which in turn reduces swelling due to fluid retention
  • Improves sleep pattern and reduces stress hormones, encourages relaxation that is also felt by your baby
  • Decreased anxiety, improved mood and improved sleep patterns
  • Prevents fewer complications during labor
  • Fewer complications for their infants following birth

What can you expect from Pregnancy Massage and Prenatal Care Program?

The musculoskeletal system experiences enormous changes during the childbearing years. The pregnant body changes with weight gain (anterior increase of the breasts and uterus), muscle stretching (abdominal muscles and perineal muscles), muscle compression (lower back and pelvic muscles), loosening of ligaments (pelvis and uterus).

Our Prenatal Care Program consist of regular Massages, and Posture and Flexibility realignment exercises. Support a healthier pregnancy by bringing Cocoon Wellness services home to you!

Touch also promotes psychological and emotional health. Pregnancy is a life transforming event. Woman's reactions to their changing bodies vary greatly. Many mom's to be, love the beauty and glow of pregnancy, and revel in the miraculous changes within their bodies. Others experience great anguish over their weight gain and rounding belly. Ecstatic feelings of fulfillment may be mixed feelings of insecurity and depression.

Please note: Pregnancy Massage is recommended after the first trimester only.