Pilates Vancouver | In-home Mobile service by Cocoon Wellness

Optimal posture and alignment help to provide good shock absorption, assist in weight acceptance, and promote the transfer of energy during movement.

At Cocoon Wellness, we apply the principles of Pilates as a preventative measure. Our aim is to have people walk out of the treatments and say: “I am aware of my body, feel more graceful, my posture is better each day and WOW, I have no pain.”

The benefits of Pilates

  • exercises stretch and strenghten the muscles - by opening the joints and releasing tension
  • improved movement coordination and balance - no mindless repetition of boring exercises
  • achieve efficient and graceful movement - by a sequence of carefully performed movements

What to expect from a Pilates session?

Pilates exercises teach awareness of breath and alignment of the spine, and aim to strengthen the deep torso muscles. Your Pilates program will focuse on the core postural muscles which help keep the body balanced and which are essential to providing support for the spine.